Mauzo CRM


Tour Operations & Management

Our Safari Tours & Management system has Easy to use Interface and all options to convert a booking into operations with real time tracking of guests.

Our System has been designed and developed by understanding 1000+ African tour & Safari, Camps & Lodges.

Features of Safari Tour Operations & Management System

  • Easy to use Infertace.
  • Engaging with communities with engaging posts.
  • Your placed itinerary become operational
    and stored in the system for future changes.
  • Your clients receive tailored information packs.
  • Your operations team can see daily, weekly and monthly schedule with your vouchers are automatically generated.
  • Track the Payment Status of Booking.
  • Automatically Generate Vouchers to Accomodation upon Payment confirmation.
  • Check Outstanding balance of bookings.
  • Vehicle Allocation as per confirmed itinerary.
  • Change route of a trip and assign
    resources if required.
  • View previous operations of a trip to calculate
    Profit & loss.
  • Communicate with vendors and accommodation from the system with vouchers management.
  • Calculate Forex of the Safari Business.
  • Add New Accomodations, Transfer & Packages operation plan.
  • Detailed Business Intelligence reports.

Hotel Management System

Safari Management System has 1000 of properties, hotels, camps & Lodges to be selected when building and Itinerary.

Features of Hotel Management System

  • Assign hotel into Economy, budget & Luxury accomodation.
  • Detailed digital Brochure of Hotel with features.
  • Detailed information of Hotel offerings (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Other Activities).
  • Add new Hotel to the system to be used in the itinerary.
  • Send automated notification to Hotel after booking confirmation.

Drive Vehicle Management

Drive management is very important part of Safari and Tour Operators as it has to be managed intelligently and efficiently for an uninterrupted delays in transition and reaching from point A to Point B.

Features of Drive Management system

  • Allocate Vehicle, Manage your tour vehicle fleet and private vehicle fleet monitor vehicle running cost and maintenance, fuel consumption and maintain overall vehicle information Voucher & Vendor Management.
  • Vehicle planning dashboard to schedule all your appointments per day, week, month and print.
  • Maintain Driver Information and assign driver to vehicle.
  • Accurate Transport costing.
  • Schedule the vehicle as per itinerary and assign to trip.